all postcodes in M14 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M14 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M14 5AA 1 1 53.451385 -2.225438
M14 5AB 3 0 53.452076 -2.225683
M14 5AD 1 0 53.451186 -2.225753
M14 5AE 40 1 53.451707 -2.225952
M14 5AG 13 11 53.452764 -2.222538
M14 5AH 5 2 53.452809 -2.223157
M14 5AJ 11 7 53.453428 -2.223717
M14 5AL 17 13 53.454575 -2.225092
M14 5AN 9 8 53.454874 -2.224659
M14 5AP 16 12 53.453851 -2.223614
M14 5DU 19 0 53.454084 -2.223781
M14 5AQ 20 4 53.453214 -2.222933
M14 5AR 29 0 53.452833 -2.219995
M14 5AS 16 0 53.452573 -2.219813
M14 5AT 16 0 53.452336 -2.221393
M14 5AU 16 0 53.452619 -2.219
M14 5AW 6 5 53.454344 -2.224264
M14 5AZ 19 2 53.453271 -2.216127
M14 5BB 28 0 53.456994 -2.215257
M14 5BG 1 0 53.457985 -2.219178